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Who is Publius Valerius Poplicola and why should we care?

Publius Valerius Poplicola - as this article explains - was one of Four Roman aristocrats who overthrew the existing Roman Monarchy and established the Roman Republic.

However, were it not for the Federalist Papers we would probably never have heard about Publius Valerius Poplicola.

This article provides an interesting background on the reason WHY the authors of the Federalist Papers chose the name Publius as their pseudonym.

And what makes the Federalist Papers so important?

They represent an inside look into the minds of three of the foremost Founding Fathers who share their views on the importance of the acceptance and adherence to the Constitution.

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Why should we care about the Constitution?

Because without the Constitution this society falls apart.

There are people in this country who are actively scheming on destroying our society and the purpose of this blog is to highlight their actions and warn all citizens of the clear and present dangers which are threatening the very fabric of our society.

And if we - the citizens of this great nation - the United States of America - do nothing, we may well find ourselves in a dystopian world where we are nothing but pawns in the hand of a few.

So, what this blog will repeat over and over again is:

VOTE in the 2024 November election as if your life depends on it!!!
BECAUSE your life DOES depend on it!!!


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