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I am a Proud, Patriotic Misogynist

I remember the time when Hillary Clinton was running for president and one of my co-workers told me that women can’t be president because they have a uterus.

After my mouth finally closed, I started to wonder what planet he was from.

After speaking with other people as well, I realized that, apparently, I am the one who is from another planet – Pluto, in case you wondered.

However, seriously, ever notice how certain people who don’t like a particular candidate react differently regarding male candidates vs. female ones?

When a person doesn’t like a male candidate, it is because they are not trustworthy or because they don’t agree with their views.

With a female candidate I always get the same answer: “I don’t like her!” but no specifics.

I have seen the same reactions regarding Hillary Clinton as with Kamala Harris – no specifics, just “I don’t like her”. And these come from people who normally would vote Democratic but just can’t get themselves to admit that they cannot vote for a woman – because she has a uterus?

Most of these people are men – admittedly, I am of the male persuasion myself – however, it is not limited to men. Women can be misogynistic as well – maybe in a different manner than men, but with the same outcome.

Note – I am not even trying to worry about Republicans who probably won’t vote for a woman even if it is for themselves.

Which, of course, brings us to that important question:

Does a uterus really disqualify you from being a president?

Which, then, brings us to that other important question:

Does NOT having a uterus qualify you from being a president?

Which, finally, brings me to that old saying:

Anyone who wants to run for office must be immediately disqualified!

Personally, I’d pick the latter, but that probably requires a change to the constitution.

Where does this leave us?

Well, I think each of us should take a good look at ourselves in the mirror and figure out what makes us tick. Do we seriously believe that a woman is less (not) qualified then a man?

Looking at world history, I think we can honestly state that most disastrous calamities were caused by men – probably because more men have been in power than women, but still.

Maybe it is time to rethink our attitudes and realize that what matters in a person are competency, integrity and responsibility – not if they do or don’t have a uterus!

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