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The Presidency, the House and the Senate

  • Quick quiz - which of these is the most important for the Democrats to win?

    - The Presidency?

    - The House?

    - The Senate?

  • If you gave the same answer as on the previous page then we're getting somewhere.

So, which one to concentrate on? It all depends and it all depends on you.

Both the Presidency and the Senate are decided on a State-Wide bases.

Therefore, reaching out to those people we need to vote for President will - probably - mean they will also vote for the Senate.

So, this is a two for the price of one benefit which - especially in those states where there is also a Senate race - definitely is an impetus to concentrate on those states.

Of course - the House is important as well, but this is were things are a bit murkier because we're dealing with districts, which is an entire subject in itself. The Progressive Turnout Project - see the Important Websites page as well - also provides a postcard writing effort for competitive districts - a definite worthwhile goal in itself.

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